Sunday, January 14, 2007

What I'm reading now

This is designed to supplement the main blog at and will be link to from there.

I've just started adding a side-bar about the books I'm reading. This will change quickly or slowly, depending upon my workload.

Reading is my main form of relaxation, so when I'm on a 'relax' period, the books will turn over much quicker than at other times. For example, over Christmas, I was reading three books at once. I'm nearly done with one, almost finished another and have hardly started the third (because January came along beofre I could make any headway). Nevertheless, I will comment on them as I go along.

But first of all - why do this? Why would I think anyone is interested in what I have to say about any particular book? Well - I don't always remember the books I've read and it's becoming harder as each year passes, so I thought it would be a good idea to begin listing them somewhere accessible, mainly to remind myslef of the thoughts and feelings I had while reading (or not reading) them. I don't care if others see what I write, so I've made it a public blog - and if they (you?) find my thoughts useful, it's brilliant, a major bonus. But if you don't find it useful - never mind.

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